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Expert Training and Consulting

Dynamic Impairment

"One of the best in-service courses I have taken in 23 years. Extremely relevant information with excellent instructors with excellent teaching methodology."



We have trained thousands of police officers, including The Illinois State Police, Chicago Police Department, and numerous municipal departments and Sheriff departments on:

  • Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST)

  • Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)

  • Drug Recognition Expert

  • Instructor Development

  • Comprehensive Impaired Driving Enforcement


From Drug Recognition Expert DUI cases to Traffic Crash Reconstruction cases, our extensive experience will help your side. We know the details of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration manuals and scientific studies. We are well versed in the thousands of pages contained within The Illinois Vehicle Code, Illinois Administrative Code, and court opinions. We are experienced with serious injury and fatal crash investigations. Click Learn More to see how we can help your case. 


About US



Gain access to our robust online resource database. These are updated regularly for your up to the minute needs. 



  • Processing flow charts

  • Cheat sheets

  • Sample DUI Reports

  • Case Law

  • Much more


David Christiansen

Owner / Consultant

David Christiansen has been a police officer since 2006. He is a certified Drug Recognition Expert Instructor, Traffic Crash Reconstructionist, Commercial Vehicle Officer, and Field Training Officer. David is a graduate of Western Illinois University. 

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Ari Briskman

Senior Independant Consultant

Ari Briskman has been a police officer since 2007. He is a certified Drug Recognition Expert Instructor, Traffic Crash Reconstructionist, and Field Training Officer. Ari is a graduate of Western Illinois University. 

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